End of Life Care

End of Life Care

It can be difficult for pet owners to determine when it’s time to say goodbye to their beloved pets, especially if your pet has good days and bad days. If you are unsure as to whether it’s time to say goodbye, we can evaluate your pet’s health and answer your questions in order to help you make a decision.


The word "euthanasia" literally means "good death". Euthanasia is something most people would rather not think about. Unfortunately, pets become old and ill, and when they appear to be suffering, sometimes pet euthanasia is the most caring and compassionate thing a pet owner can do for their pet. We can help guide you through this process and difficult time.

When you arrive in our office with your pet, you will have the option of choosing how involved you wish to be in your pet's final moments. We will escort you to a quiet, private room and we will go over the details with you. We also offer at-home euthanasia.

Once your pet has passed, you will have the option to take your pet back home for burial, we can help you send your pet to a place where he or she can be cremated and you can retrieve the ashes at a later date, or we offer a mass burial site.

senior boston terrier

Pet Loss Support

Grief is different for everyone, including how long they grieve. When a person you love dies, it's natural to feel sorrow, express grief, and expect friends and family to provide comfort. People often feel the same feelings of grief when they lose a beloved pet, but it might go unacknowledged by others. Know that your grief is normal, and it’s okay (and even important) to mourn the relationship you had with your pet. You are not alone in feeling this way.

It is completely normal for you to feel the need to talk to someone who understands your sadness after the death of your pet. You do not need to face your loss alone. There are many pet loss support groups and counselors available to help. Here is a list of pet loss support groups and resources.

To help you process your grief, we offer a pet memorial page where you can post a memorial or a short story to honor their memory. You can find that page here.

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